Saturday, 22 March 2008

Smell of Rain again

Two more pics from the series. I don't remember if I mentioned it before but these are actually inspired by Mortiis music, especially "Marshland" track from "Smell of Rain" album. Both images are quite big, around 8k resolution. I really hope to get all this stuff printed big size one day!


bog_art said...

It will be a great idea to print them!.. I will choose the first one.. it is just great!!..

PS: Don't leave this spam message bother you.. you could use a password for your comments to avoid it..

Lukasz Pazera said...

thanks for the tip with comments, i turned moderation on. this damn spam is everywhere...

i actually would like to see second pic printed as well, it's got a lot of little details that you do not see in screen format. i'm anxious to see if any of my work on details makes any sense in big size ;)

thanks for visitng my blog!

Miras said...

Bardzo "beksińskie" te pańskie obrazki. Ale dobre. Nawet bardzo dobre. Oby tak dalej. I powodzenia na angielskiej ziemi.

Lukasz Pazera said...

dziekuje za komentarz :) ta "beksinskosc" ciagnie sie za mna i ciagnie, od dawna nie ogladam sie na jego tworczosc przy pracy, ale wiele osob i tak mnie z nim wiaze ;) faktem jest, ze jakis czas temu bylem bardzo zafascynowany beksinskim i pewnie gdzies to zostalo.