Apart from commercial work I found some time for personal stuff and did more new pictures (still not enough though) then in any previous year since finishing fine art studies. That is a good sign as I have a lot of plans for this year and I'm looking forward to actually make them happen.
Right now I'm slowly finishing job at Nexus Productions. It's a big thing and I've done tons of painting for it so far and will do a bit more over next few weeks. The wole thing is painted and it's around 3 minutes of animation in total so You can imagine. I think we can talk about hundreds of painted elements.
Back to Liquidator... It's acrylics on 90x90cm canvas and I'm quite happy with this work. There is a second one in the making but it doesn't go as good as this one so I'm not sure when I finish it and how it's going to look. Fingers crossed...