Yeah, it was supposed to be weekend in Poland. A brief glimpse on a home country after 5 months. Much needed break and landscape change after finishing huge job work at Nexus. It ended up as compulsory walk (buses were suspended) to Luton Airport only to learn that my flight (and many others) were suspended. The same happened the next day and a few days before. It seems UK services just can't be bothered to do any preparations for 2 hours of snow fall that is forecasted 5 days ahead. They just let it fall and make roads unusable within an hour. Than wait until it melts by itself. Go figure.

No qrcze, wykrakales. A wiec jednak week end w londynie. Jeszcze se jakos odbijesz :)
no niestety, a rano wszystko jeszcze ladnie wygladalo. brak sniegu w londynie, metro i pociagi sprawne, dopiero 2 stacje przed lotniskiem nagle pojawil sie zlowieszczy, bialy puch no a potem cala reszta atrakcji heh. robie drugie podejscie za kilka tygodni, mam nadzieje, ze tym razem bedzie ok.
I saw the stuff you posted for Expose 7 and decided to check out your website. Very beautiful work!
I just saw the stuff you posted for Expose 7 and decided to check out your website. Very beautiful work!
thanks Daniel!
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